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Testing with doctest

You can test code snippets in docstrings using doctest, a Python module for testing code snippets in documentation. This works because marimo notebooks are just Python programs.

See this notebook for an example:

Source code for examples/testing/

Tip: paste this code into an empty cell, and the marimo editor will create cells for you

import marimo

__generated_with = "0.10.6"
app = marimo.App(width="medium")

def _():
    import marimo as mo
    return (mo,)

def _():
    def euclid_mcd(a: int, b: int) -> int:
        """Return the MCD between positive a, b.
        >>> euclid_mcd(42, 24)
        >>> euclid_mcd(24, 42)
        >>> euclid_mcd(42, 42)
        assert a > 0
        assert b > 0
        if a < b:
            a, b = b, a
        if (a != b):
            r = a - b
            return euclid_mcd(b, r)
        return a
    return (euclid_mcd,)

def _(euclid_mcd, mo):
    # Include a reference to each function to test

    import doctest

    failures, success = doctest.testmod(verbose=True)"Success: {success}, Failures: {failures}")
    return doctest, failures, success

if __name__ == "__main__":